
职业服务 & 实习计划招聘政策和程序

以下招聘政策和程序适用于我们所有的招聘计划, 包括但不限于:职位发布, 实习, 校园面试和招聘会. 这些政策将定期进行审查,并可能根据大学的酌情决定进行更改.


ladbrokes立博中文版(“BSU”)致力于非歧视政策, 平等的机会, 多元化和平权行动,并期望雇主遵守我们的政策. 该大学致力于提供教育, 重视所有人不同背景的工作和生活环境. 查看BSU的完整政策声明的非歧视和多样性在这里.

ladbrokes立博中文版就业服务 & 实习项目办公室 is a member of the National Association of 大学 and Employers (NACE) and adheres to and promotes its 专业实务原则 and requires that employers working with our office and utilizing our services will conform to these principles as well as 平等就业机会(EEO)联邦准则.

马萨诸塞州公平就业法保护候选人不受种族歧视, color, 宗教, 国家的起源, age, sex, 性别认同, 性取向, 遗传信息, 血统或服兵役. 更多详情可浏览以下网址: http://www.mass.gov/doc/fair-employment-law-poster/download#:~:text=151B%20protects%20applicants%20and%20employees,are%2040%20years%20old%20or.

根据联邦法律,雇主必须“善待美国公民”.S. 公民,班.S. 公民公民, 合法永久居民, 难民, 难民一直在招募或雇佣, 不考虑他们的公民身份, 除非在法律规定的有限情况下, 监管, 行政命令, 或者政府合同要求你考虑具有特定公民身份的候选人.“雇主应在以下地点查阅劳工处指引及最佳实务: http://www.justice.gov/crt/best-practices-recruiting-and-hiring-workers


就业服务 and 实习项目办公室s serve employers looking to fill full-time permanent professional positions requiring a bachelor’s degree or higher as well as academic internship opportunities. 另外, 我们将兼职发布, 适合我们学生群体的非学位和暑期职位.


  • 避免任何不恰当地影响和影响工作接受的做法.e.,时间压力,鼓励放弃其他工作机会,爆炸工作机会等等.).
  • 尊重所有给学生和校友的录取通知. 撤回工作邀请, 书面和口头, 违反专业标准,可能对学生的专业和经济产生负面影响.
  • Ensure that all recruiting events and interviews will be kept professional and as such alcohol will not be served.
  • 对所有学生信息保密,无论其来源如何. Sharing student information with another organization is prohibited without the prior written consent of the student.
  • Have a fair and equitable recruiting and hiring process that includes timely communication of candidate status and hiring decisions.


While our offices reserve the right to restrict access to services and programs in the best interest of our students and alumni, 以下实践, 职位和策略限制在我们的校园:

  • Employers and individuals offering employment/entrepreneurial opportunities with compensation packages requiring prospective employees 支付启动费用、购买特许经营权、产品或服务 前期.
  • Employers/individuals offering employment/entrepreneurial opportunities based on a “pyramid” or “multi-level” type networking structure requiring/encouraging the recruitment of others who recruit others to sell products and services.
  • Babysitting or other In-Home jobs and/or 实习 where an employee would be working out of someone’s home or dwelling. 我们鼓励您使用诸如 www.care.com .
  • Campus/Brand Ambassador Positions and similar roles that seek students to sell or market an organization or brand on campus.
  • 提供海外教学机会的就业机构/组织, 美国以外的海外教学机构和收费机构.
  • Placement/Training Agencies or 组织 that provide training with no definitive or guaranteed job offer.
  • Use of “exploding offers” that include undue time pressure to accept an offer (such as same day) and/or those that encourage candidates to back out of existing offers.
  • 取消、推迟或恶意提供工作机会.


BSU以及全国各地的就业中心都使用NACE的第三方招聘原则NACE专业实践原则 你们可以回顾一下. 重要事项包括:

  • 第三方招聘机构必须在他们的Handshake简介中披露他们是这样的机构.
  • Third-party recruiters who are hiring for positions within their own organization and will be the employee’s full-time employer may post these positions on our database.
  • Third-party recruiters who are hiring for full-time professional positions requiring a bachelor’s degree outside their organization may have positions posted provided they include the name of the organization they are recruiting for in the posting. 此外,客户雇主的联系信息必须根据我们的要求提供.
  • 禁止直接向候选人收费的第三方招聘人员.
  • Third party recruiters must not retain any student resumes or records for future placement unless the student provides written consent.
  • 根据《ladbrokes立博中文版》, 第三方招聘人员不会向任何雇主透露, 包括客户-雇主, 任何未经学生事先书面同意的学生信息. 在任何情况下,学生的信息都不能为招聘以外的目的而泄露, 也不能出售或提供给其他实体.
  • 在筛选过程中遵循平等就业机会标准, 招聘和转介合资格的申请人,而不考虑任何背景/受保护群体.


就业服务 & 实习项目办公室 serves employers looking to fill full-time professional positions requiring a bachelor’s degree or higher as well as academic internship opportunities. 另外, 我们将兼职发布, 适合我们学生群体的非学位和暑期职位. Commission only positions are reviewed on a case-by-case basis and must disclose the compensation details in the posting. 在我们的系统中,所有全职招聘信息都有90天的限制,但可以更新. 

所有实习和合作社都必须遵循这一规定 US DOL guidelines on 实习 才有资格进入我们的系统. 此外,为了公平起见,我们鼓励所有雇主进行审查 NACE对美国的立场声明.S. 实习 并努力使带薪实习项目成为该领域的规范.  你可以在我们的实习计划中查看更多的指导方针 http://legacy.xhfangfu.com/academics/Internships/employers.  通常情况下,在Handshake网站上列出的实习和合作项目最长可达一个日历年.

所有的工作和实习职位都在我们的握手数据库中发布,可以通过以下方式ladbrokes立博中文版: http://bridgew.joinhandshake.com/employer_registrations/new. 要获得批准的职位,雇主必须:

  • 提供清晰的, accurate and up-to-date information in all position postings and dealings with BSU students and alumni.
  • Have actual or anticipated career related jobs and/or 实习 for our students and alumni and not post solely to collect resumes.
  • 确保所有职位都有完整的细节, 可验证的联系方式, 详细描述, 所有的雇佣条件都必须在招聘启事中明确说明.


The National Association of 大学 and Employers (NACE) has issued the following advisory opinion on 给工作机会设定合理的截止日期 我们鼓励雇主进行审查. 以下是一些重要的建议:

  • 避免在开始日期前12个月或更早的时间向候选人提供机会.
  • Allow candidates adequate time to consider the position offer; one to two weeks at a minimum.
  • Consider reasonable requests for additional time for candidates to review offers to make the best choice for both the candidate and employer.


就业服务 & 实习项目办公室 at ladbrokes立博中文版 reserves the right to refuse service to potential employers due to any of the following:

  • 在申请时要求提供个人资料, 比如财务信息, 社会安全号码, 或与受保护类状态有关的信息.
  • 虚假陈述,无论是不诚实的信息还是缺乏信息.
  • 欺诈行为或商业行为.
  • 骚扰波士顿州立大学学生、校友或工作人员.
  • 违反家庭教育权利和隐私法(FERPA)要求的保密行为.
  • 没有遵守职业服务 & 实习计划办公室/BSU的雇主指导方针.
  • 任何违反学校规章制度的行为.
  • 任何违反当地、州或联邦法律的行为.

In compliance with the Department of Justice's rulings regarding citizenship discrimination and best practices for online job postings, 就业服务 & 实习项目办公室不筛选候选人或核实工作授权. Employers may include employment eligibility information in their Handshake job descriptions as a point of information for potential candidates so that the candidates may self-screen.

Employers are encouraged to consult with their legal counsel and establish legally permissible internal screening procedures before posting jobs or recruiting on campus. 就业服务 & 实习项目办公室 at BSU reserves the right to modify or remove any statements or job postings that include any potentially illegal or discriminatory language.

Our office makes every effort to research employers and employment opportunities that are posted on our database and to prepare our students for the job/internship search and interview process. 然而, the responsibility of background screening of prospective employees and employers’ rests with the respective companies and students, 延长或接受工作机会的决定也是如此. Our office shall not accept responsibility or liability for the future actions of either the employer or the employee. We, 因此, encourage all parties involved to utilize discretion and sound judgment prior to entering into an employment agreement.

如果您对上述任何政策和程序有疑问或疑虑, 请联络就业服务 & 实习计划:508-531-1328或发邮件至careerservices@xhfangfu.com.
