


Advance your criminal justice career and help build stronger and safer communities through ladbrokes立博中文版’s master’s in criminal justice program.

Our master’s degree in criminal justice will help you develop leadership and management skills to prepare you to play a vital role in criminal justice administration, 实践与研究. 我们提供集中的司法管理, 犯罪与矫正, 恢复性和变革性的司法, 还有创伤和受害者研究,帮助你专攻自己的职业.

住在 刑事律政司, our PCIPP-approved master’s in criminal justice is led by faculty who have extensive experience in the criminal justice system as attorneys, 修正专家, 调查人员和执法人员. These thought leaders will be there to guide and mentor you throughout your in-person and select online master’s degree in criminal justice coursework.

无论你的职业或教育抱负如何, 你将为领导刑事司法工作做好充分准备, 或者攻读刑事司法或法律方面的高级学位.


Professor Michael DeValve sitting in a classroom desk talking with 4 students in his class


在我们的刑事司法硕士项目中, 你的课上很少有超过20个学生. You’ll have a variety of opportunities to connect and network with your fellow classmates, 以及波士顿州立大学的教职员工. We can help you personalize your learning experience in a criminal justice graduate program to fit your career goals.
Dr. Mia Ortiz teaching class in front of a white board with Criminal Justice class notes on it


我们受人尊敬 教员 are experts in cybercrime, immigration, legal studies, restorative justice, victimization and more. 作为我们刑事司法硕士项目的研究生, you’ll benefit from a high level of expertise from faculty who are making an impact in our classrooms as well as our communities through outreach, 实地工作及研究.
Criminal Justice student at internship with a bank of screens behind him while he stands holding a packet of papers


BSU为研究生提供负担得起的学费, 包括那些攻读刑事司法硕士学位的学生. 我们州内和州外学生的学费是一样的. We also offer financial aid in the form of graduate and research assistantships, 写作奖学金或卡伦ladbrokes立博中文版研究奖, 是给波士顿州立大学刑事司法硕士的吗.


无论你是全日制还是非全日制学生, 你有机会在校园里选修课程. 我们也提供一些在线刑事司法硕士学位课程. You can finish grad school to qualify for jobs that require an MS in Criminal Justice and advance your career in as little as two years.


You can choose to pursue in-person or online master’s degree in criminal justice coursework. Specialize your studies through our administration of justice degree track or concentrations in 犯罪与矫正, 恢复性和变革性的司法, 以及创伤和受害者研究.


Every graduate student in our master’s degree in criminal justice program has a faculty advisor who will work with you one-on-one to provide personalized guidance and support. 他们或许还能帮你找到实习的机会, 研究项目, 刑事司法工作的硕士学位等等.


刑事司法研究生,成绩为3.平均绩点3分的学生可能有资格获得BSU的Nunckatessett研究生奖学金, 3美元的学费奖学金,000 to be applied toward the last two courses needed to complete a graduate degree.


BSU offers current students enrolled in the BS in Criminal Justice at BSU the opportunity to gain early acceptance into the MS in Criminal Justice program. By meeting certain criteria, early acceptance students can waive the GRE requirement. 了解更多关于早期接受»


拥有刑事司法硕士学位能做什么 starts with choosing a graduate degree that meets your professional needs. 在BSU,我们提供四种浓度.

  • 司法: Focus on the organizational structure of criminal justice agencies and their jurisdictional authority on the local, 州一级和联邦一级. This concentration also examines issues relevant to administrators of criminal justice agencies, 包括组织, 计划和领导.
  • 犯罪及惩教: Learn about the theoretical frameworks concerning crime and criminal behavior, 控制和预防犯罪的方法, 治疗方案、惩罚管理和结果.
  • 恢复性和变革性司法: Gain a fundamental knowledge of the concept of restorative justice that strives to repair relationships between crime victims and offenders and the essential skills to work in this area. You’ll specifically learn about the three pillars of restorative justice — harms and needs, 义务与约定.
  • 创伤和受害者研究: Attain an advanced understanding of crime victimization and trauma along with the skills to work with victims in many aspects of criminal justice agencies, 非营利组织和社会服务机构.

All of our graduate students in the master’s degree program in criminal justice design and execute a final research project that works with real data, 你也可以选择继续写论文.


Click any link below to reveal each program's admission requirements and program description.

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研究生项目协调员: Dr. 费Gostjev


BSU’s in person and online master’s degree in criminal justice coursework prepares you for careers in correctional facilities, 刑事调查, 司法系统, 执法, 律师事务所, 高等教育等等.

Recent graduates have continued their studies by pursuing PhD programs at Florida International University, 山姆休斯顿州立大学, 南卡罗来纳大学, 田纳西大学和许多其他大学. Recent master’s degree in criminal justice jobs for our graduates have included:

  • Boston Police, Massachusetts State Police and other local police departments
  • 社区司法资源
  • 联邦调查局
  • 马萨诸塞州精神卫生部门和青少年服务部
  • 纽约警察局分析师
  • 科罗拉多州

A master’s degree in criminal justice, on average, will increase your salary by


根据美国.S. 劳工统计局


The College of 研究生学习 provides various opportunities for graduate students to receive funding while working towards their degrees. Appointments are competitive and are determined by undergraduate and/or graduate grade point averages, 相关的经验, 教育准备和面试. For information on assistantships, fellowships and conference funding awards, please visit our 研究生资助机会页面.

The MS in Criminal Justice program is eligible for unsubsidized student loans and applicants are encouraged to complete the Free Application for Federal Student 援助. 有关更具体的问题,请ladbrokes立博中文版 资助办事处网站 或直接与他们联系 finaid@xhfangfu.com.




Bridgewater offers competitive tuition and fees for graduate students both in and out of state.


View our graduate events page to RSVP to information sessions, workshops and seminars.

